Monday to Friday - 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Existing Foster Carers
Fostering Innovations
Initial enquires
Fostering Innovations will operate a duty system that responds to all enquires and requests from individuals and couples to be considered as foster carers. The following actions will be taken:-
An initial screening telephone interview.
Basic information is sent about our fostering services to help people decide whether they wish to proceed.
If they proceed a home visit is undertaken by a Director or Area Fostering Co-ordinator to explain the agency’s processes and policies.
Then an application is completed and a request is made for information about the applicant, their family and any other person involved. Criminal bureau, local authority and a range of other checks are undertaken.
All applicants attend a 3-day Skills to Foster course. This has been developed for the agency by an experienced external consultant. A follow-up day is provided to help them understand the practical role of fostering.
Those who attend the course then decide whether they wish to proceed, and Fostering Innovations decided whether they wish to proceed with the prospective carer’s application.
Fostering Innovations
Assessment Procedures
Assessments will be carried out by social workers. Our social work assessments will follow the competency based assessment method. This means that applicants are asked to demonstrate their competence to become approved foster careers. Throughout the assessment information is gathered using the British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF) assessment form – Form F. The assessment, which consists of a series of interviews, takes place in the applicant’s home, usually over a period of 6-8 sessions.
The assessment focuses on the individuals applying to become foster careers and their family. We will make a detailed assessment of their past experiences and help them to think about their reasons for applying to become foster careers.
Fostering Innovations will take up four references, plus employee/ landlord references/school/health visitor/children and ex-partners. At least two referees are visited in person.
Applicants do not have to be professionals. However, they need to have a willingness to care for children/young people between the ages of 0-21 years who cannot live with their family and are in need of alternative care. They must be able to demonstrate that they want and can make a difference to young people. They must be able to provide a room in their home to accommodate children or young people.
Throughout the assessment process applicants are advised and helped to gather information and evidence providing examples of their relevant experiences and skills. This contributes to the assessment process and informs the Form F which is presented to the Fostering Panel.
Fostering Innovations
The Fostering Panel
Fostering Innovations Panel has a key role to play in the agency’s decision-making process. They are governed by the regulations that are set out under the National Minimum Standards, Guidance and Regulations 2011. The panel is independent of Fostering Innovations and has a remit to make recommendations about the approval of foster carers to the Agency Decision Maker. The Panel also considers all reviews of foster carer’s ongoing approval. Carers attend their first review and every third review after this. Other reviews are presented to Panel in the form of written reports.
A Panel List of members with a wide range of professional and personal experience is available to draw upon and an independent foster carer is also included in every Panel. Where there are complaints relating to foster families, the Fostering Panel will be consulted and may recommend to the Agency Decision Maker what action needs to be taken by the agency.
Fostering Innovations
Reviewing Foster Carers
The first annual review is conducted within a year after approval and presented to the Fostering Innovations Panel. Based on this report they are able to make a recommendation about the foster carer’s fitness to remain registered and any changes required to their approval. Carers are required to attend Panel for their first review and every third review after this. All other reviews are conducted by Fostering Innovations on an annual basis and the report submitted to a Panel.